Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Basic Cleansing Recipes for the Homemaker

To remove garlic, onion, or fish smell from your hands, rub with a lemon wedge dipped in salt. Rinse with water.

To clean ceramic tiles, make a solution by mixing a quarter of a cup of white vinegar and one gallon warm water. This will make your ceramic tiles shine.

Scour bathroom sink and bath tub with full strength white vinegar. Apply using a sponge or cloth and then wipe the surface clean. It will remove soap scum rings from your sink and tubs.

Spilled white glue? Clean it up with white vinegar!

Grass stains from clothing can be removed by a solution made up from the following: one third cup white vinegar and two thirds cup of warm water. Apply the solution to the stain and blot with a clean cloth. The process can be repeated if necessary. Wash as usual.


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